With the constant bombardment of news of protests and poverty in the media it is hard to ignore the affects the pandemic has had on our communities. That is why it is vital that now more than ever our communities stick together.
Our party’s focus is on making a real meaningful change in our society and we can only make this happen with the support of our people. All your contributions and support thus far have aided us in getting closer to reaching this goal and we need your help to continue the work we are doing.
75% of our national volunteer team had no previous experience of volunteer work before joining us and so no matter your level of experience your support is welcome.
As a volunteer there are a range of roles you can get involved in such as distributing leaflets, speaking directly with voters and administrative work in the office. Your input, no matter how big or small makes all the difference.
We can only expect to see a difference if we work together. To sign up to become a volunteer visit www.theinitiativeparty.org.uk/volunteer.