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Taking The Initiative Party aims to create real change in communities across the UK by setting the agenda in government. We want to do this by putting forward exceptional candidates who truly represent their communities, winning seats to create a parliament that actually looks like the society it leads.


We believe that the current political landscape is dominated by career politicians who are failing to tackle crucial issues. We see a Government that is in the pocket of Big Business and looking after its own interests, with an ineffective Opposition bogged down in one scandal after another.


From where we sit it seems that our elected politicians bicker amongst themselves while the country faces unprecedented challenges:

  • The world is gripped by the effects of a pandemic which has put untold pressure on our health service and our economy.

  • We are preparing for one of the most significant political events in a lifetime now that Britain has left the EU and the transition period ends in a few short months.

  • Digital technologies have transformed the industry, leaving some British communities decimated by the loss of manufacturing or the squeeze on farming.

  • Tax avoidance by corporations is standard, and unprecedented levels of wealth are hoarded by a few super-rich.

  • Meanwhile, inequality in UK society gets only worse, with children living in poverty and foodbank use the norm.



We know the answer to these challenges can come from our communities. We want to be a new voice on the political stage to channel local knowledge and expertise, to come up with creative solutions and to make sure that resources go where they are needed most.


Key domestic areas that we think need especially urgent attention are housing, education, benefits, taxation and knife crime. We are developing a manifesto that details our plans for these and the other challenges and opportunities that face the UK today, both at home and internationally.


We believe that Britain’s strength lies in its people. You can join us in our mission by becoming a member, a volunteer or a supporter with us today. You can also support our work by making a donation. Let’s come together with one voice to make a lasting change towards a better UK – for everyone.

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